11 января 2017 г.
оставил отзыв о книге «SWRRF. 20?? Воспоминания из будущего. Книга третья» 11 января 2017 г.

Ideas which the author develops in the third book, at first sight, if not trivial, but obvious enough to the conceiving person: degradation of the person and human relations to which the present model of a consumer society conducts, adjustment under itself by this model achievements of science and technology which on a plan of the people creating these opening and achievements, should develop, refine the person, but in practice in this system only promote its degradation; deadlock of up-to-date economic system grounded on the speculative banking capital.
Yes, all it is obvious enough.
But these ideas are presented very witty and convincingly. Also induce us to reflect about them once again, sometimes in unexpected aspects. And after all we - I mean people like me, "intellectuals", «white collars», working in major transnational corporations, - everything, like it we know and understand, but we try not to think of it. They pay to us not bad in comparison with others - and thank God. And what will be further, it will be visible later, will somehow be bypassed. And the author reminds once again us that «itself will not resolve» and «somehow will not be bypassed».
One more idea which has involved me as the native of Russia, presented by the author with a bit malicious, but clever humour - thought that «Russian earth» inexplicably gives to civilize achievements, ideas always some ugly shape: the educated absolutism transmutes into autocracy, a socialism in the Bolshevism and Stalinism, liberalism - in gangster capitalism … And it is quite possible will agree with the author that "eurointegration" attempts will lead here to occurrence of the new bureaucratic inefficiently devouring monster, with which nobody will know what to do further.

книга SWRRF. 20?? Воспоминания из будущего. Книга третья
21 июля 2016 г.
оставил отзыв о книге «SWRRF. 20?? Воспоминания из будущего. Книга вторая» 21 июля 2016 г.

I agree, the second book is much stronger as a work of art. Juicy, short, but expressively written out сharacters. Not expected rotational displacements of a plot.
As to «the parents of cataclysms». I disagree. They are designated clearly enough. Not in detail featured, as to someone it may be desirable. It’s are namely designated. Perhaps, while. Impossibility to contain all incremented economically inefficient both frankly parasitic regions, conflicts of elite because of a drying out pie, natural cataclysms to which appear all not ready... All these problems, in practice, now blanket for all countries, including "developed". In Russia they will be simply endured much more painfully and catastrophic because of feeble institutes of self-management, a total absence of the horizontal structures, not decreasing paternalistic moods and so forth
But in this part I was more amazed with another - short digression across Europe. If the author does not deceive, and this part is really written in 2011, it is necessary to donate the due to his insight. The entrance control on socio-cultural adaptation, boarding houses for children of refugees from the Near East, «revolution of idlers», system of cities with different level of access and so on. Already reminds today's Europe. And, especially, very plausiblly features quite real not so remote prospects.
Entertaining book. It is interesting what else the author will predict.

книга SWRRF. 20?? Воспоминания из будущего. Книга вторая
29 марта 2016 г.
оставил отзыв о книге «SWRRF. 20??» 29 марта 2016 г.

Unfortunately, this literary work is not anti-Utopia - it's quite real and not so far prospect. I left Russia long time ago, in the beginning of 90ths and I regret such as the hero of this story that could not persuade my parents to move to me when all was adjusted at me here. Now they already are not present. But here they can still would be. And have a normal life. However, they had not got accustomed. They all were people of special generation. I saw different cases at my acquaintances here.
All it’s a reality already. Education system, which gives no education. State corporations which live in there’s own world «under a calotte», not clear muffled "science", degrading people … - all is a present reality of Russia. Now THEY try to correct something. But, first, I think, it’s too late. And then all it’s somehow dotted bitmap, there is no system and clearly understood prospects. I do not believe that present owners of Russia can change something essentially.
Vladimir's story … when I came on funeral of me parents to the native city, once large enough industrial centre - a pattern was almost one in one: the thrown cases of the factories, the gone to pieces quarters, street gangs …
As to any gadgets of the future, something is quite really featured, something is doubtful. But blanket directions of development are seized correctly. And I think, the essence is not in it. All was written not for this purpose, to describe future gadgets . It is surroundings.
And a blanket background - environmental problems - is real prospect too. Now in Russia many people like to argue on the blessings which will be brought by all-the-year-round northern sea trajectory. But nobody thinks of prospects of transmutation into deserts and semi-deserts almost the fifth part of the country. And first of all its "granaries". It is not necessary to tell about problems with water already in nowdays. I can tell it on experience of the same visits to the native city. There is no possibility to be washed, It is impossible to take advantage of a toilet, to have a drink - only bottled water. And not everyone can allow himself it at a present mass lack of money…
Ia pishu poanglisky ne potomu chto zabil russkiy, prosto u menia net kirilyc klavi i ia terpet ne mogu translit. A kniga napisana dlia ludey umnih I obrazovanih kotorie hudo-bedno doljni chitat poanglisky.

книга SWRRF. 20??